Hello, I am Yakubu Bobai Ephraim

A web Developer with a Frontend concentration creates the frontend of websites and web applications, which promotes the success of the final result.

My Work

About Me

Here You can learn more about me, what I do, and my current qualifications mostly in the areas of technology and programming

Know more bout me!

I develop the front-end of websites and web applications as a frontend developer, which contributes to the overall success of the finished product. View a selection of my work under Projects.

In order to benefit other members of the developer community, I also enjoy contributing content that is linked to the knowledge I have acquired over the years in web development. Please feel free to connect with me or follow me on LinkedIn, where I share relevant Web Development and Programming stuff.

I'm interested in employment possibilities where I can grow, learn and contribute. Please get in touch with me if you have a suitable opportunity that matches my qualifications and expertise.

My skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • GitHub
  • Next.js
  • Responsive Design


This section contains a collection of some projects I have worked on over the years.

My Project

The capstone project is a team project done to illustrate collaboration and team work, the project is a seminar website designed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

My Project

This is a landing page designed to illustrate positioning and flexbox skills. It contains navigation links on the nav bar and has different sections for different contents. The page was designed using html and CSS

My Project

This is an admin dashboard user interface designed using html and CSS.

My Project

This is a simple signup form with a password validation, the input for password and confirm password are checked and validated before form submission. The project was designed using html, CSS and JavaScript.

My Project

This is a countdown timer for the year 2023, which will run all through the year and stops once the year is over and displays a remark as notification that the year has ended. This was designed using html, CSS and JavaScript.

My Project

This is a rock paper scissors game, which accepts inputs on click of a button and compare it to a computer input which is randomly generated, the input is logically compared and a winner is displayed for each round and the final winner is displayed based on the first player to win five rounds.

Contact Me

Please use the form below to contact me, and I will respond to you as soon as I can.